Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas with Health By Jenny

What a wonderful Christmas! I enjoyed celebrating all of you and this special season. This Christmas we had a great party with healthy snacks, prizes and special Christmas songs and routines. Merry Christmas!

My morning class gals

The morning class prize winners!

Introducing......The Health By Jenny Rockettes!

Evening class prize winners!

My evening class gals

A Healthy Christmas Party Buffet.....YUM!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Looking at Health from Different Perspectives

My passion for health and wellness leads me to research a variety of perspectives on nutrition, exercise and overall wellness. This is an article I found written by Joel Osteen, a pastor in Houston, TX. I think it introduces a motivating way to look at the choices we make concerning our health. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Foot Update

I am one lucky girl. Everyone has been so caring and loving. Thank you for your concern. I have good news though! I went to the sports Dr. and got the best report possible. No stress fracture, yay! There is stress to the bone, but it's caused by something I didn't expect. Apparently I have limited flexibility in my ankles and cuneiform bones, hmmm who would have guessed. So because those joints don't give, it's added pressure when I jump around. So, what does all this mean? I just have to continue taking it easy (not as much jumping around), do some physical therapy and wear good orthotics (Super Feet). I can handle that. Thank you again for all your concern; you guys are so wonderful! See you in class!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Health By Jenny Website Launch!

The website is here! I am so excited, is now up for all to see! It has all the info you need on my group fitness classes, private yoga, nutritional consulting and some awesome new stuff as well! Check it out and don't forget to print off the FREE class pass on the home page!

I worked with Cloud 9 Design in creating my website and had such a great experience with Amber. We worked together so that the end result would be a personal representation of my business. Thank goodness for Amber! She has fantastic ideas and was really able to organize my thoughts and ideas into a reality.

FIT COUNTY is my new baby created with the hope of spreading knowledge and awareness of health and fitness. The genius name spinning off of "Fayette County" but said with that Texas drawl, was created by advertising pro's Kelly and Matt Giese. I LOVE IT! If you too are passionate about living your most healthful life check out

Health By Jenny is my career dream come true! I absolutely love changing people's lives every day. When people walk out of my classes drenched in sweat, but they are smiling and thanking me for the challenge, it makes my day. I am here for you. I want to help you reach those goals, no matter what they are. I have clients who have never exercised a day in their life (it's true) and now I can't keep them away! On the other side, I have clients who have worked out all their life and love for me to challenge them past what they would do alone. And this is true for each part of my business. The Zumba, yoga, nutrition-it all goes hand in hand. If I haven't gotten the opportunity to meet you I hope that you will consider contacting me and telling me your story. I would love to help you begin or continue on your journey of a healthful life.

I hope you enjoy my website and that you find as much excitement and passion as I do in "creating healthful habits for life".

Sunday, September 6, 2009

ZUMBA Rocks the Fayette County Parade!!

How FUN was that?! Thank you so much everybody for your contagious and inspiring enthusiasm!! Thank you to everyone who participated, whether it was riding the float, cheering from the sidelines, offering great ideas, bringing Mexico blankets or encouraging us, thank you to all! Here are a few pics from this weekends parade. ENJOY!

ZUMBA Enthusiasts!!

Our ZUMBA Mascot, Nana

Our little Zumba family: Jeremy, Jenny and Nana

My Girls: Stacy, Kelly, Leslie, & Brittany

Patty, Renee, and Mary.....Lookin' Good Ladies
I love those hats!

Teresa, Liz, Elizabeth and Adrianne
Look at all those beads!

Practicing before our big debut. "Work it girls!"

Pam, Cindi, Debby, Jenny, Pauline
Are we moving yet?! Let's get this show on the road!

Spreading the ZUMBA LOVE to any and all!

Overall, I'd have to say that our float was a smashing success! I think we've started something here........................

Saturday, August 15, 2009

New ZUMBA Material

Ok, so maybe I love my job a little to much...........
I'm sitting here waiting on my new ZUMBA CD to arrive and I am so excited. I've been hearing a bunch of other instructors talking about how awesome this new choreography is and I want to see it. So watch out, we're going to rock it out this week!!!!! 

Monday, July 27, 2009

80's ZUMBA Party

What: 80's ZUMBA Party
When: Thursday, July 23, 2009
Time: 5:30pm
Location: Randolph Recreation Center, La Grange
Hosted By: Jenny Janda
Contest: 80's Aerobic Costume Contest

How it went down:
We held a FREE Zumba class and encouraged anyone and everyone to join us. I would personally like to thank everyone that attended for being such fabulous participants. You guys blew me away!! The party began with mingling and tons of laughing as people arrived in their costumes. The room was transformed into an 80's party and was filled with leotards, leg-warmers, side ponytails, nude tights, and big earrings. This was not your normal ZUMBA class (wait, is it ever?); we threw in some 80's jams courtesy of Paula Abdul, Flashdance, Michael Jackson, and Bon Jovi. Looking out into the crowd and seeing those awesome ladies in their leotards doing aerobics in true Jane Fonda style with huge smiles on their faces proved that Exercise Can Be FUN!!! Thank you again everyone for a great time! I hope you enjoy these pics! Get ready.......


80's Aerobic Costume Contest

It was a tough competition!

Here are the winners!

Leotards were never a very good idea.

Check out those tights!


Check out my new blog!