Sunday, October 30, 2011

Highway Clean-Up

FIT COUNTY has joined TxDot's highway clean-up program by adopting 2 miles of highway 159. I've always loved the line "Don't Mess with Texas" and after this experience I have a whole new respect for it. It's very disappointing to see all the trash that is thrown out or flies out of vehicles. What a disrespect to our beautiful Earth. This was a whole new type of workout. We burned a ton of calories and resulted in a cleaner highway. Please help spread the word that littering is not cool! Don't throw anything out of your vehicle and make sure the back of your truck is clean or it will end up on our highways.
That's a hard working group! Want to join us? Email me at

Mom, what's that you found? Looks like a new model, right Charles?! ;)

On Your Mark 5k

St. Mark's Cardiac Rehab and FIT COUNTY hosted the 2nd Annual "On Your Mark" Family Fun Run/Walk 5k. And it was a hit!! With 108 runners we hit the street and were so inspired by the men, women and children of all ages and levels who pushed themselves to finish their best race. Start training folks, we'll see ya next year!

Meet Victor........he has no excuses. That's right, he's almost 71 and has been through some tough health challenges.Victor's 3.1 mile time: 33minutes.

You can do what you put your mind to.

Friday, September 23, 2011


$500 Donated for Fire Relief

You guys are awesome! Thanks to you, we were able to donate $500 for Fire Relief to those affected by the awful fires in Fayette and Bastrop Counties. AND THEN....La Grange Ford matched our donation making it $1,000. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fitness for Fire Relief

100% of Health by Jenny Class proceeds on Thursday, Sept. 8th will be donated to help in fire relief for Fayette and Bastrop areas. The money will be donated through La Grange Ford where Mr. Baker will be matching all monetary donations up to $25000. If you would like to donate, please bring cash/check for class for Thurs instead of your punch card. Applies for both Yoga (9am) and Zumba (5:30pm) classes. Thank you so much for your help; the outpouring of love, prayers and donations is inspiring. - Jenny

Friday, September 2, 2011

5k Fun Run/Walk

Join us for our 2nd Annual "On Your Mark" 5k Fun Run/Walk. St. Mark's Cardiac Rehab and FIT COUNTY have teamed up once again to bring you this fun, family friendly health event. Registration $20 for Adults, $10 for Youth, or $50 for a family of 4. Click here to register

Saturday, May 28, 2011

ZUMBA Birthday Party!!

Those silly girls!!!!! They through me a surprise Birthday Party on Wednesday morning and I was REALLY surprised!!! Thank you girls, that was FUN!

Angie trying to be sneaky!

Me and Mary (lookin' good Mary!)

That's my lime green color!

What is happening here? That was NOT my idea!

Sweet Angie!

Thank you for the beautiful flowers Yeli!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Relay for Life 2011, Team FIT COUNTY

Here we go...........What a great event and a great cause! Last year we were voted as Top Rookie Team and this year we want to keep up our reputation! La Grange Relay for Life raises money to help fight and win against cancer. Please help support our FIT COUNTY team.

In the News!

Our FIT COUNTY team is on the front page of the Fayette County Record! Carolyn and Teresa sign up our team for the September 24th Relay for Life event.

Check out our Raffle Items

Contact Jenny for tickets


Our Team Garage Sale

When: Saturday, June 4th

Time: 8am-1pm

Where: St. James Episcopal Church Parking Lot

(across from HEB in La Grange)

Thanks for your support!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Food for the Furry Babies!

If you didn't know already, animals are very near and dear to my heart, so I was very excited about the February Health By Jenny special. When students brought in a bag of cat or dog food they received a FREE class. And you should have seen the pile of food that stacked up!!! Thanks to you guys, Health By Jenny donated over 20 bags of pet food to the Gardenia E. Janssen Animal Shelter in La Grange. Those furry babies need our help and what a blessing to be able to help out this great local shelter. Thank you so much to everyone who brought food and to the Gardenia E. Janssen Animal Shelter for all you guys do.
That's my baby.......our golden retriever Nana Mae.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Round Top Yoga

Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga

Strength, flexibility and power in a fitness format

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Wednesdays 10:30am – 12pm

To sign up and rate information

Please contact Jenny 979-966-3460 or

Advanced Registration is Required for all Classes

Friday, February 4, 2011

Yoga does a body (and mind) good!

Click on the short article above to read about the many benefits of yoga. Thanks for sharing this article Charles. What a great motivator!

A Snowy Zumba Class

Well that was the coldest Zumba Class I've ever taught. And where was everybody else, it was just me and Nana! Jeremy built the Jenny, Zumba Snowman; that creative husband! Hope you guys are enjoying the snow day!

That little Nana liked the snow!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Let's Get FIT in 2011

To help you get started to a healthy and fit new year, Health By Jenny is offering 10% off of 10 pass cards and month unlimited cards. You may purchase as many cards as you'd like during the month of January so you can continue the savings throughout the year. Make your commitment to better health now.