Saturday, May 28, 2011

ZUMBA Birthday Party!!

Those silly girls!!!!! They through me a surprise Birthday Party on Wednesday morning and I was REALLY surprised!!! Thank you girls, that was FUN!

Angie trying to be sneaky!

Me and Mary (lookin' good Mary!)

That's my lime green color!

What is happening here? That was NOT my idea!

Sweet Angie!

Thank you for the beautiful flowers Yeli!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Relay for Life 2011, Team FIT COUNTY

Here we go...........What a great event and a great cause! Last year we were voted as Top Rookie Team and this year we want to keep up our reputation! La Grange Relay for Life raises money to help fight and win against cancer. Please help support our FIT COUNTY team.

In the News!

Our FIT COUNTY team is on the front page of the Fayette County Record! Carolyn and Teresa sign up our team for the September 24th Relay for Life event.

Check out our Raffle Items

Contact Jenny for tickets


Our Team Garage Sale

When: Saturday, June 4th

Time: 8am-1pm

Where: St. James Episcopal Church Parking Lot

(across from HEB in La Grange)

Thanks for your support!