Sunday, October 30, 2011

Highway Clean-Up

FIT COUNTY has joined TxDot's highway clean-up program by adopting 2 miles of highway 159. I've always loved the line "Don't Mess with Texas" and after this experience I have a whole new respect for it. It's very disappointing to see all the trash that is thrown out or flies out of vehicles. What a disrespect to our beautiful Earth. This was a whole new type of workout. We burned a ton of calories and resulted in a cleaner highway. Please help spread the word that littering is not cool! Don't throw anything out of your vehicle and make sure the back of your truck is clean or it will end up on our highways.
That's a hard working group! Want to join us? Email me at

Mom, what's that you found? Looks like a new model, right Charles?! ;)

On Your Mark 5k

St. Mark's Cardiac Rehab and FIT COUNTY hosted the 2nd Annual "On Your Mark" Family Fun Run/Walk 5k. And it was a hit!! With 108 runners we hit the street and were so inspired by the men, women and children of all ages and levels who pushed themselves to finish their best race. Start training folks, we'll see ya next year!

Meet Victor........he has no excuses. That's right, he's almost 71 and has been through some tough health challenges.Victor's 3.1 mile time: 33minutes.

You can do what you put your mind to.