Sunday, September 6, 2009

ZUMBA Rocks the Fayette County Parade!!

How FUN was that?! Thank you so much everybody for your contagious and inspiring enthusiasm!! Thank you to everyone who participated, whether it was riding the float, cheering from the sidelines, offering great ideas, bringing Mexico blankets or encouraging us, thank you to all! Here are a few pics from this weekends parade. ENJOY!

ZUMBA Enthusiasts!!

Our ZUMBA Mascot, Nana

Our little Zumba family: Jeremy, Jenny and Nana

My Girls: Stacy, Kelly, Leslie, & Brittany

Patty, Renee, and Mary.....Lookin' Good Ladies
I love those hats!

Teresa, Liz, Elizabeth and Adrianne
Look at all those beads!

Practicing before our big debut. "Work it girls!"

Pam, Cindi, Debby, Jenny, Pauline
Are we moving yet?! Let's get this show on the road!

Spreading the ZUMBA LOVE to any and all!

Overall, I'd have to say that our float was a smashing success! I think we've started something here........................

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