Friday, September 17, 2010

Health By Jenny is Growing!

I am so thrilled to be able to do what I love every day! Health By Jenny is a long time dream that is becoming more and more real. There now three parts to Health By Jenny, designed to reach out to as many people as possible to provide healthful opportunities and knowledge....

1) Fitness Classes......
ZUMBA-a total body, calorie burning, Latin
Aerobics workout that burns fat, builds muscle,increases indurance, and improves flexibility and agility. So FUN!
YOGA- also a total body, calorie burning workout that improves strength, flexibility, and balance, and decreases stress. Not as easy as you'd think...get ready to sweat!

This is my non-profit group that is dedicated to turning Fayette County into FIT COUNTY
by providing healthful activities and opportunities in our community and offering FREE wellness knowledge. Everyone who is interested in their health (hello we all are!) is welcome to be a part of FIT COUNTY and it's FREE! We meet the first Thursday of every month from 12- 1pm. To join the mailing list and find out about upcoming events clickhere

3) Personal Training
The newest addition to Health By Jenny. Let's hit the gym together and reach your personal wellness goals. I offer one-on-one training at St. Mark's Wellness Center. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase endurance or just be healthy, we'll work together to design a plan for you....and I'm there right beside you encouraging you the entire way.

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